Project Evaluation

Specialists in programs and policy evaluation


Our portfolio includes evaluations of policies and programs in a diversity of areas such as public health decentralization, the complexity of the penitentiary system reforms, or the design of monitoring and evaluation systems in post-conflict contexts.

All of them use mixed methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis, depending on the needs of each intervention.


We have a roster of experienced experts in a wide range of sectors, internationally grounded and working with the civil society, international organizations, private and public sector.


Our work has gradually extended from Latin America, to Northern and Sub Saharan African countries, the Mediterranean and the Middle East.

EU Next Generation:
We have experience in impact evaluation and counterfactual design of European funds, giving support to the electric vehicle value chain and the use of Next Generation Funds.


Qualitative tools for collecting information such as interviews, focus groups and observation, are used in combination with quantitative tools including surveys, administrative records or database, in order to develop sound analysis of findings.
diseño proyectos planes programas y políticas

Projects, plans, programs and policy design

One of the main demands that exist in the field of evaluation is the analysis of the relevance and the causes lying behind the problems.


At CONTRAFACTUAL we have observed that in most cases it is convenient to stop and review the design before starting the implementation, even in cases that may be well intentioned or have been proved in other circumstances. This type of evaluation has been widely implemented in countries such as Uruguay or Chile, and we have experts prepared to carry out this task.

Analysis and improvement of results chains, theories of change and intervention logics

It is often accepted to measure success by showing delivery rates, or the number of activities which have been achieved, while it may happen that at the end of that long road the expected result is yet to come. Changes in the organization management, in public servants’ attitudes, or in citizens experiences when using public services, are not only achieved by executing what was planned. Other variables that are difficult to observe or that need to be taken into account have to be considered.

CONTRAFACTUAL helps to build these logics by identifying which are the determining factors for achieving the expected results and the greatest impact.
análisis de cadenas de resultados
evaluaciones proyectos y programas subvennciones

Project, plan, program and policy evaluations

Evaluations are external and independent judgements conducted by evaluators and sectorial experts.

CONTRAFACTUAL takes elements from the design of the intervention, the management and the results, in order to establish precise conclusions and recommendations that define who has to take action, when and how. Rather than identifying mismanagement or a series of deficiencies, the evaluation is oriented towards improvement and change.

Survey design, information processing and analysis

Quantitative techniques for collecting information can handle a large amount of data in a short period of time, and reaching a large number of units or subjects of analysis. The design of these instruments requires an expertise which have been traditionally oriented to marketing and public opinion research.

In CONTRAFACTUAL a combination of the know-how in policies, plans, programs and projects is offered, together with the use of tools such as R. or Stata that allow solid sampling designs and statistically rigorous impacts.
encuestas procesamiento análisis
asesoría evaluación riesgos

Advisory services for risk analysis and evaluation

Interventions are often carried out without evaluating the risks, and this is crucial in countries where there are high levels of violence, corruption or vulnerability to natural disasters.

CONTRAFACTUAL offers a context analysis that allows balancing these variables and determining to what extent they can influence the results, identifying alternative ways of working or strategies to minimize their effects.

Training programs in Monitoring and Evaluation and impact-oriented methods

Training is necessary to improve knowledge, for better performance and also to move forward the organizational change. The training in Monitoring and Evaluation offered at CONTRAFACTUAL allows to be aware of the most advanced techniques in evaluation design, impact measurement in experimental and quasi-experimental methods, and behavioral analysis. Training will be provided by methodological experts with experience in organizations such as the World Bank, the European Union, the Inter-American Development Bank and the United Nations.

Our experts have also designed methodological guides currently being used in the Monitoring and Evaluation systems of a number of Latin American countries.
formacion monitoreo impacto politicas publicas